Spitz A3P Planetarium Projector
As one of the most popular projectors ever built, it found its way into many colleges and schools.
Spitz 373 Planetarium Projector
Spitz 512 Planetarium Projector
Spitz Space Transit Simulator Planetarium Projector
Spitz Space Transit Planetarium Projector
There are still 2 in operation.
Goto EX3
Goto E-5
It had more stars and its own planet cage and was made for a 16 foot dome.
Goto S-2 Planetarium Projector
It did not have a separate planet cage so improvements were comming on future projectors.
There was also no horizon cutoffs with this projector.
Goto Mercury Planetarium Projector
The Mercury projector used pinholes and also lenses for the brighter stars.
Goto Venus Planetarium Projector
They used 32 lenses, but included separate projectors for the brighter stars and planets.
This projector provided separate horizon cutoffs for each individual lens.
The Planetarium Projector Museum is proud to have 2 Venus projectors in our collection.
Minolta Planetarium Projector
Nova III Planetarium Projector
Homemade Planetarium Projector
Made by the Home Planetarium Association and Gary Likert.
Musser Copernican Planetarium
ophairis301@gmail.com (909) 806-5698